Thursday, August 18, 2011

2 Henry IV Act 1, Scenes 2 and 3


school is quickly approaching! how did that happen?!?!?!? ah! and auditions galore! it's happeninggggg! bring on Gem of the Ocean!

act 1, scene 2
Falstaff is getting on his high horse. big time. he is being even more difficult than usual now that he feels a little security being somewhat closer to the top of the food chain. he runs into the Lord Chief Justice and his servant on the street. he tries to avoid a conversation with him, but eventually gets dragged into one. as soon as they start talking, the Lord Chief brings up the robbery Falstaff took part in (from the previous play). the Lord Chief sent for Falstaff before he left for battle, but Falstaff did not go to him. Falstaff tries to deflect and maneuver out of the conversation until he can steer it into a huge fight about something else altogether. Prince Hal comes up, and the Lord Chief mentions that King Henry is trying to keep Falstaff away from Hal by sending him into battle with John instead. after the Chief Justice leaves, Falstaff groans over his current state.

act 1, scene 3
the Archbishop, Mowbray, Hastings, and Bardolph are gathered at the Archbishop's palace. they are worried that they do not have the men and resources to fight King Henry and his army again. Hastings feels that as long as they can count on Northumberland, they will be fine. Bardolph argues that without him and his men, they will be "too feeble". he does not want them to make the same mistake Hotspur made: counting on men that did not come through in time. Hastings reminds them that the king does not have many more men than them, if any, and his army is split. a third of them are fighting the French, a third for the Welsh, and a third for them. they should be fine. the Archbishop believes that the people are sick of Henry, the man they chose as their leader, and will turn on him. (see quote below.)

people must really have loved Falstaff, huh? i mean, his scenes are pretty long. and most of the information is completely frivolous. it's in to please the crowds, right?

at the end of scene 2, is Falstaff trying to get out of going back into battle?

here's what i love about scene 3: they agree they don't want to make Hotspur's mistake. Hotspur assumed that he would have back-up, and when he didn't, he pressed on anyway. in trying to avoid his mistake, they really end up making it anyway. they just make different assumptions. they assume the number of men King Henry will have, they assume that his army is split in three, and best of all, they assume that the people will turn on him and join them. HA! let's see how this goes, shall we?

the play is named after a king we haven't yet seen once. interesting. he is brought up in every scene, but not yet seen. i dig it.

quote of the day:
'what trust is in these times?
they that, when Richard lived, would have him die,
are now become enamored on his grave.
thou, that threw'st dust upon his goodly head
when through proud London he came sighing on
after th'admired heels of Bolingbroke,
criest now, "o earth, yield us that king again,
and take thou this!" o thoughts of men accurst!
past and to come seems best; things present, worst.'
   -Archbishop; act 1, scene 3

for tomorrow: act 2!

-rebecca may

Monday, August 15, 2011

2 Henry IV Induction and Act 1, Scene 1


yet another busy day! school clothes shopping with my cousin, training for teaching my classes at UCF, cleaning, and Shakespeare. not to mention planning a little surprise for my awesome Sean! bwa ha ha. so let's get er done! new day new play woot WOOT!!!

this character named Rumor introduces the play by telling us that rumors are flying throughout the country that the rebels have won the battle at the end of the last play. the truth is, of course, the opposite.

act 1, scene 1
Lord Bardolph (not to be confused with Falstaff's Bardolph) has come to see Northumberland, who is very ill. he delivers news from Shrewsbury that King Henry is severely wounded, Blunt and Prince Hal have been killed, and others are fled or prisoner. he did not see this for himself, but heard the news from a reliable source. Travers arrives to deliver very different news. he claims that Hotspur has died in battle. Bardolph and Northumberland are incredulous. Morton arrives, also with news. his story matches Travers'. he also reveals the rest of the truth: the rebels have lost, King Henry and Prince Hal are alive and well, Hotspur is dead, etc. Northumberland freaks. out. (see quote below.) Bardolph and Morton try to talk him off the ledge. Morton also delivers news that the Archbishop is on fire to fight. he's using his position to get soldiers on fire too. this eases Northumberland's mind as he gets ready to take action.

Induction? say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!? that is the most random mess ever. first of all, why this reference to Virgil's Aeneid? why does this character exist? why does he give this speech? i have no clue. second of all, i don't understand why rumors and misinformation are flying around so rampantly. why would that happen? it doesn't make sense to me. i just don't get this induction thing at all. i would LOVE for someone to explain it to me. please and thank you!

i love the quote from Northumberland. it really prompted me to think. Shakespeare has an amazing way of saying something quite interesting in such a succinct and lovely way. love it!

nothing much to say yet. looking forward to seeing Prince Hal's journey develop even further.

quote of the day:
'for this i shall have time enough to mourn.
in poison there is physic; and these news,
having been well, that would have made me sick,
being sick, have in some measure made me well.
and as the wretch whose fever-weakened joints
like strengthless hinges buckle under life,
impatient of his fit, breaks like a fire
out of his keeper's arms, even so my limbs,
weakened with grief, being now enraged by grief,
are thrice themselves. hence, therefore, thou nice crutch!'
   -Northumberland; act 1, scene 1

for tomorrow: the rest of act 1!

-rebecca may

Sunday, August 14, 2011

2 Henry IV Intro Info


well, i was supposed to wake up today at 8:30am today to pick my family up from the airport with Sean and then celebrate his mom's birthday for work. unfortunately though, i woke up feeling verrrrry sick. so instead Sean had to go to the airport alone, go to his mom's alone, and come home to take care of me. and then take me to work. he is SO. GOOD. i don't know what i'd do without him. and right now he is fast asleep and i'd like to join him so let's get our blog on.

here's what i learned about 2 Henry IV today:
-apparently this play was written pretty directly after the first part. this was probably at least partially due to the fact that Falstaff was hugely popular and the public wanted more of him. i find that to be incredibly interesting. what was it about Falstaff that made him so popular for Elizabethan audiences? what do you think?
-the similarities between Henry IV parts 1 and 2 are numerous. in fact, these 2 or more alike than any other 2 plays in all of Shakespeare's canon. a couple of examples are: the use of character foils and the structural pattern of alternating political scenes and comedic scenes.
-look out for rumors and justice to play as a big device in this play.
-we see Prince Hal grow up in the last play, and in this play we will continue to see him come into his own. where do you think this play will take him?

for tomorrow: induction and act 1, scene 1

-rebecca may

Friday, August 12, 2011

Sonnets 57-62


oh boy, sonnets again. after a meeting about Gem of the Ocean, a pit stop to school, 2 wedding sites, amongst other events, all before 4pm, my brain is kinda fried. but can i do this? yes, i can. and yes, i must. and my reward for hard work accomplished will be... SPONGE BOB! that's good motivation right there.

57- the poet is basically saying that he is (someones?) slave. he has nothing better to do than be at their beck and call. 'like a sad slave', he waits, blindly trusts, and pines.
58-continuing from 57, he gladly suffers. yes, it is hell to wait, but he places no blame on his love for this. of course.
59- this sonnet is a complicated in a lovely way. the cyclical nature of history and behavior is the focus of this one. time revolves because history does. as Bevington says, 'striving to give birth to a new creation, merely miscarry with the repetition of something created before'.
60- (see quote below.) time just keeps on moving forward, whether we want it to or not. nature creates such unique beauty just to rip it apart as time rolls on.
61- the poet stays up all night thinking about his love. is that what she (he?) wants? he waits and waits while imagining his love off having fun with who-knows-who.
62- the poet has some serious sin in his life. what is that sin, you ask? the sin is self-love. yup. vanity. but then he looks in the mirror and realizes that he's getting old and maybe isn't as great in actuality as he is in his head. the last couplet here, i'm not so sure about.

sonnets 57 and 58 = blech. if only they were written sarcastically, it would be great. but i don't think that's what's going on here? he is grovelling? guilt tripping? being incredibly manipulative? whatever it is, it's gross.

sonnets 59 and 60 are lovely. read them. you'll get to thinking about time and mortality.

it's around sonnet 61 that i really start to get concerned for the poet. he starting to sound not just like an obsessive, manipulative, needy lover but also sort of like... a stalker. i envision Shakespeare sitting in the dark at his window like a creep waiting, waiting, waiting... perhaps with crow bar in hand.

sonnet 62 i have no words for. can anyone help me with that last couplet? i'm a little confused.

quote of the day:
'like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
so do our minutes hasten to their end.
each changing place with that which goes before,
in sequent toil all forwards do contend.'
   -sonnet 60

for tomorrow: 2 Henry IV Intro Info

4 poems, 15 plays, 62 sonnets down. 1 poem, 23 plays, 92 sonnets to go. still behind. but i can do it.

-rebecca may

Thursday, August 11, 2011

1 Henry IV Act 5, Scenes 3-5


so i was supposed to spend my morning and afternoon with my family and my evening working. instead, i had to go see a doctor because my left eye is on fire. it's red and gross. the doc says it's just worn out. it's swollen. and i can't wear my left contact for at least a week. and i don't have glasses because i don't have insurance. so i will have perma-headache for a week. and the real kicker? my insurance kicks in in ten days. gahhhhhhh. please forgive me if my cranky pants come out in this blog today. i'm trying to restrain them.

act 5, scene 3
Douglas and Blunt, dressed as King Henry, are on the battlefield at Shrewsbury. Douglas fights and kills Blunt thinking, of course, that he is the king. Hotspur arrives and Douglas proudly shows him the dead "king". Hotspur reveals the truth and tells Douglas that there are many men dressed as Henry to confuse them. they exit and Falstaff enters. he has lost most of his men. Prince Hal is right behind him. he asks to use Falstaff's sword, but Falstaff won't give it up. he offers his gun instead. Hal goes to get it, but finds a bottle of alcohol in the holster instead. Hal is ticked off and leaves Falstaff there, spouting his usual nonsense.

act 5, scene 4
King Henry, his sons, and Westmorland are on the battlefield. Hal is injured, begging his father to continue pressing on. Henry wants him to rest, but he won't do it. John and Westmorland press on and Hal proudly follows. King Henry, left alone, meets with Douglas. they fight, Hal runs in to help his dad, and Douglas flees. the king presses on and Hotspur enters. they fight. Falstaff and Douglas enters. they fight. Falstaff falls. Douglas flees again. Prince Hal deals a deathly blow to Hotspur. (see quote below.) Hotspur dies. Hal respectfully covers his face. he sees Falstaff, says a few final words to his old friend, and leaves. Falstaff rises, of course not dead at all. he thinks that if he can rise, so can Hotspur. he decides to stab him one more time and tell everyone that he actually gave Hotspur his final blow. Princes Hal and John enter and Falstaff tells them his tall tale. a retreat sounds they've won!

act 5, scene 5
King Henry and his entire posse assemble on the battlefield, victorious. the king comes down hard on Worcester for lying to Hotspur. Worcester and Vernon are sent off to their death. Douglas is being held in Hal's tent. out of respect, Hal asks for him to be let go completely free of his charges. they all agree. King Henry sends John and Westmorland off to York to fight Northumberland and Scroop. he and Prince Hal will head off to Wales to fight Glendower and March. together, they will kill this rebellion.

a bunch of the men dress as the king? genius! was this Shakespeare's idea? or historical fact?

so i guess i was wrong about those letters to Hotspur. i thought they would turn out to have important information, but they actually never came up again. and i guess i was also wrong about his lack of ability to listen. i thought that would be his death. but it wasn't really. he just got killed by Prince Hal. not as exciting as i would have hoped.

well well well Prince Hal. what a grown up he has become! his journey has been huge. i love seeing the grace and integrity he has shown in the last couple of scenes. where the heck did THAT come from? my question for the next play is, how will he treat Falstaff? what will happen to him? i can't believe Falstaff has gotten away with so much already. and yet, i can't help but feel sympathetic toward him. but that's part of what makes him such a great character, right?

quote of the day:
'o Harry, thou hast robbed me of my youth!
i better brook the loss of brittle life
than those proud titles thou hast won of thee;
they wound my thoughts worse than thy sword my flesh.
but thoughts, the slaves of life, and life, time's fool,
and time, that takes survey of all the world,
must have a stop. o, i could prophesy,
but that the earthy and cold hand of death
lies on my tongue. no, Percy, thou art dust,
and food for--' (he dies.)
   -Percy a.k.a. Hotspur

for tomorrow: back to sonnets

-rebecca may

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1 Henry IV Act 5, Scenes 1 and 2


is the Summer really almost over? REALLY?!? how is that even possible? i'm freaking out for real. i still have a billion things to do. not cool, Summer. not cool.

act 5, scene 1
the King and his crew are near his camp in Shrewsbury, when Worcester and Vernon arrive from Hotspur's camp. the King greets them and expresses his regret that they are meeting under these circumstances. he offers peace, and Worcester admits that he doesn't like the situation. he does, however, tell the King that it is his fault and not theirs that they are in this battle. the King stands up to him, but cannot entirely refute his claims. Prince Hal admits that he respects Hotspur very much. he also admits that he plans to rip apart their army. he would like to fight one-on-one with Hotspur. the King tries to offer peace instead. he says he will forgive them all if they commit to peace. Worcester and Vernon leave to deliver the message, and the King and his company leave as well. Falstaff hangs around, doubting his commitment to this battle in classic Falstaff style. (see quote below.)

act 5, scene 2
Worcester and Vernon are re-approaching their own camp when Worcester tells Vernon that they can't tell Hotspur about King Henry's offer. Vernon disagrees, but Worcester shuts him down. he believes that no matter what Henry says, when it comes down to it, they can never truly be forgiven. they will have to pay for their treason. Hotspur arrives and Worcester tells him that Henry is ready for battle. he flat out lies about what Henry said. on the other hand, he tells the absolute truth about what Prince Hal said. a messenger arrives with letters for Hotspur, but he casts them aside. Hotspur and his men prepare for war.

i find Hal's reverence for Hotspur a little odd. where did that come from? didn't he insult him earlier in the tavern? or did i make that up? where does this come from? maybe he has a better understanding of Hotspur's courage now that he is facing war himself. he must be scared.

Hotspur, Hotspur, Hotspur. i don't know what those letters said, but something tells me that ignoring them was not a good idea. maybe i'm wrong, but it seems significant that once again, he is not listening.

and what is Falstaff's place in all of this? what is going to happen to him? he's a mess.

quote of the day:
'honor pricks me on. yea, but how if honor prick me off when i come on? how then? can honor set to a leg? no. or an arm? no. or take away the grief of a wound? no. honor hath no skill in surgery, then? no. what is honor? a word. what is in that word 'honor'? what is that 'honor'? air. a trim reckoning! who hath it? he that died o' Wednesday. doth he feel it? no. doth he hear it? no. 'tis sensible, then? yea, to the dead. but will it not live with the living? no. why? detraction will not suffer it. therefore, i'll none of it. honor is a mere scutcheon.'
   -act 5, scene 1

for tomorrow: the rest of the play!

-rebecca may

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

1 Henry IV Act 4, Scenes 1-4


yeah baby! i read the whole act today. booya! and i'm going to try to do the same tomorrow. i can do it, right? hell yes i can.

act 4, scene 1
Hotspur, Worcester, and Douglas meet at their camp. as Hotspur and Douglas express their mutual love for one another, when a messenger delivers news of Hotspur's father's sickness. Hotspur is upset that this might affect his chances of winning the battle against King Henry. he soon turns the situation around in his mind, however. he decides it's good because it means that not all of their powers are being used all at one time. they will have a back up plan. Worcester is concerned that people will think they don't have him on their side, which will make them look weaker. Vernon arrives that King Henry is marching toward them. in even worse news, Prince Hal is with him. Hotspur is upset. (see quote below.) in even worse news than that, they learn that Glendower cannot bring his men for another two weeks. Hotspur's response is: BRING IT ON.

act 4, scene 2
Falstaff talks. a lot. and i'm not really sure what he's talking about.

act 4, scene 3
Vernon and Worcester try to convince Hotspur and Douglas that they should wait for morning to attack, but Hotspur is impatient and wants to attack right away. Blunt arrives from the King's camp to figure out what Hotspur and co. have against them. Hotspur lays into him, saying that Henry used them, lied to them, and then cast them aside. Blunt relays sentiments of grace, love, and forgiveness from the king. Hotspur sends Blunt back without an answer either way.

act 4, scene 4
the Archbishop that helped Hotspur's camp is freaking out. he has heard about the army that the King has raised, and he thinks the King will win this battle. he feels that he's about to be in big trouble. when the King wins, he will be after the Archbishop next. the Archbishop is desperately trying to send out letters to save his butt.

Hotspur? really? you're more concerned about the battle than your father? NICE. this guy is going down.

can anyone help me with act 4, scene 2? i'm pretty lost.

act 4, scene 3 was a little weird. Hotspur goes on this rant about Henry. he talks forever and ever in classic Hotspur style. but then Blunt says one comment about peace and love and suddenly Hotspur says he has to take time to think about it. wasn't he just saying he was ready to fight like... 2 seconds ago? does he have an emotional imbalance, is he really a bit of a softy at heart, is he scared, or what? what do you think?

i just realized that i am completely ambivalent about who wins this battle. i don't care about Henry. i certainly don't care about Hotspur. i guess the only one i care about is Hal, but not exceedingly. ambivalence is probably not the feeling one hopes to feel about the main conflict in a play. hm... yikes.

quote of the day:
'no more, no more! worse than the sun in March
this praise doth nourish agues. let them come.
they come like sacrifices in their trim,
and to the fire-eyed maid of smoky war
all hot and bleeding will we offer them.'
   -Hotspur; act 4, scene 1

for tomorrow: act 5

-rebecca may

Sunday, August 7, 2011

1 Henry IV Act 3, Scenes 2 and 3


dear rebecca, you better start reading more Shakespeare or you're not going to make it by December 31. love, rebecca.

act 3, scene 2
King Henry chides Prince Hal privately for his wanton ways. Hal tries to submit himself humbly to his father, but Henry obviously needs to get this off his chest. he berates Hal for the following missteps: losing his place on the council, being seen to much in public and in low company, improper conduct. i mean, Hotspur is better fit for the throne than he is. everyone is against him, and he can't even count on his son to help. Prince Hal vows to help his father and to bring Hotspur down. either he or Hotspur will die. King Henry is proud to hear it. his other son recently set out for battle. Hal will follow, and he will follow Hal.

act 3, scene 3
Falstaff and Bardolph are chillin' in another tavern. Falstaff claims that he is wasting away, near death. he sings his own praises-- sort of. (see quote below.) he starts insulting Bardolph, really laying into him, until the Hostess enters. he owes the tavern money, but he's claiming that a pickpocket has stolen his money and a ring he received from his father. the Hostess calls his bluff and they bicker until Prince Hal arrives. Falstaff tries to get Hal on his side, which of course doesn't work, and Falstaff and the Hostess continue to argue. when she finally leaves them alone, Hal reveals that he has paid back all the money that they stole. Falstaff is very unhappy about this. Hal's other news is that he has managed for Falstaff to be in command of a company of infantrymen. Hal asks Falstaff to meet him the next day to receive his orders, and they part ways.

fun fact #1: apparently, the reason that Prince Hal isn't in favor with the council is because... get this... Hal boxed the ears of the Lord Chief Justice. AHAHAHAHA.

fun fact #2: Falstaff calls the Hostess a Maid Marian. he means this with a negative connotation. i love this because to me, Robin Hood is a hero and Maid Marian was a righteous babe who chose love over propriety and station and comfort. Falstaff uses it as an insult because from his perspective, Maid Marian was a woman of ill repute. she was dishonorable and loose. AHAHAHAHA.

why is Falstaff so mean to Bardolph? and why would Hal trust Falstaff with a company of foot soldiers? he's old, fat, and definitely not trustworthy. blind hope? he must truly care for him. like a lot. what do you think about all of this?

quote of the day:
'why, there is it. come sing me a bawdy song; make me merry. i was as virtuously given as a gentleman need to be, virtuous enough: swore little, diced not above seven times-- a week, went to a bawdy house not above once in a quarter-- of an hour, paid money that i borrowed--- three or four times, lived well and in good compass; and now i live out of all order, out of all compass.'
   -Falstaff; act 3, scene 3

for tomorrow: act 4!

-rebecca may

Saturday, August 6, 2011

1 Henry IV Act 3, Scene 1


i am so excited! i have 3 days off! wowsaaaaaa. and Sean and i are going to look at wedding locations tomorrowwwwwww! we haven't had a day off together in a month! and we haven't had a full day off alone together since... may probably? SO EXCITED!  will somehow have to squeeze Shakespeare into the day. eep! okie dokie, let's get a move on.

act 3, scene 1
Hotspur, Worcester, Mortimer, and Glendower are all gathered to make their plans. Hotspur constantly needles proud Glendower, angering Worcester and Mortimer in the process. Glendower is confident they will beat Henry. after all, he has beaten him before. he has a map of all of Henry's land. he has had it split three ways between himself, Mortimer, and Hotspur. Hotspur, of course, isn't happy with his piece which begins yet another quarrel. as they plan for their departure, Glendower goes to round up their wives so they can all say goodbye. Hotspur has a few choice words to say about him. (see quote below.) Mortimer disagrees with Hotspur, adding that he is lucky Glendower didn't punish Hotspur for his disrespect and anger. Glendower returns with the wives, and a mushy scene takes place. we learn that Mortimer's wife speaks no English and he speaks no Welsh, so Glendower must translate for them. it still manages to be pretty romantic. she starts to sing to him. (weird. i know.) Hotspur and Kate have a less romantic goodbye. the couples leave for a bit together to say a proper goodbye.

Hotspur!!!!!! shut uuuuuuuuuup! how is he getting away with his serious attitude problem? i do not get it. he needs to get what's coming to him. for real.

who marries someone who speaks a different language from them? marriage of convenience much? this whole end of the scene with the wives is very odd. like... why is it necessary? what is its function? what do you think?

at the end of the scene, are they off for a quickie? just sayin', that's what it seems like.

quote of the day:
'o, he is as tedious
as a tired horse, a railing wife,
worse than a smoky house. i had rather live
with cheese and garlic in a windmill, far,
than feed on cates and have him talk to me
in any summer house in Christendom.'

for tomorrow: the rest of the act!

-rebecca may

Thursday, August 4, 2011

1 King Henry IV Act 2, Scene 4


in a funk. don't know why. weird how that happens, right? probably need to go to bed and start new tomorrow. yeah, i think i will do that as soon as i am finished here. ok, ready? me too. go!

act 2, scene 4
Prince Hal is with Poins in a tavern in London, messing around and playing childish pranks on the staff. he discusses Hotspur and how he's not ready to fight battles like Hotspur does. Falstaff and company finally arrive, disheveled and ready for a drink. Falstaff thinks Hal and Poins left them there, saying, 'there lives not three good men unhanged in England, and one of them is fat and grows old, God help the while!' Falstaff concocts a wild story to explain how they lost the money. 'if i fought not with fifty of them, i am a bunch of radish.' the story gets more and more wild as he goes, until Prince Hal reveals the truth to him. Falstaff tries to backtrack and say he knew it all along, but Hal is not fooled. a messenger comes with news for Hal. his father is in trouble and needs him. the plot against Henry is unfolding. while Falstaff and Hal play around at what to do (see quote below) , a sheriff arrives looking for Falstaff, but Hal doesn't give him up. he leaves to meet his father.

weird how the Henry line of things has been dropped for so long. we haven't seen him at all since act 1. i find that so strange. Shakespeare, you are so umpredictable!

i wonder what it was like to experience this back then. was all this riffing totally hilarious to them? were people like, rolling in the aisles? or did it all just seem very fun and clever? or was it major dissing? was any of this scandalous? what would have the reaction been to these stream of insults? i SO want to know!

is Prince Hal drunk? i feel like he must be drunk. or depressed. or both. what do you think? he is obviously massively insecure and unclear about what his relationship to England, the monarchy, and his destiny is/should be. how old is he? a teenager? he's sure acting like one. if you take away all the plot points and just focus on his emotional roller coaster, stupid choices, victimhood to peer pressure, bullying, insecurity, etc. he is your typical teenager. what do you think about all of this?

quote of the day:
'there is a devil haunts thee in the likeness of an old fat man; a tun of man is thy companion. why dost thou converse with that trunk of humors, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuffed cloak-bag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox with the pudding in his belly, that reverend Vice, that gray Iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity in years? wherein is he good but to taste sack and drink it? wherein neat and cleanly but to carve a capon and eat it? wherein cunning but in craft? wherein crafty but in villainy? wherein villainous but in all things? wherein worthy but in nothing?'
   -Prince Hal as King Henry to himself

for tomorrow: act 3, scene 1

-rebecca may

Monday, August 1, 2011

1 King Henry IV Act 2, Scenes 1-3


hey howdy hey lovely people. i got another jam packed day on my hands, but this time of fun stuff! i'm making some beignets, reading some Shakespeare, going to a LUSH party, and finishing my day with a tv date with my roommate. what could be sweeter? oh yeah, i get to spend the whole day with Sean. and what could be sweeter than that? it's rainiiiiing! i love storms. they're so soothing. yay. okay, reading time!

act 2, scene 1
Gadshill and Chamberlain plan their upcoming thievery. Chamberlain has heard of some people who will be travelling with a large sum of money who will be leaving soon. they agree to work together.

act 2, scene 2
Poins and Prince Hal have played a little joke on Falstaff by hiding his horse from him. he is frustrated and hilarious. Gadshill comes in and they discuss the upcoming thievery. Poins and Prince Hal go a different way, telling the rest of the thieves that they are doing so just in case the travelers escape. the travelers arrive and Falstaff robs them. they exit bound and Prince Hal and Poins come in and rob Falstaff.

act 2, scene 3
Hotspur has a letter urging him not to carry through his plans to overthrow the king. although the letter has a lot of good points, Hotspur won't listen to any of the advice. his wife, Kate enters. she is struggling to understand what is going on with her husband. he isn't himself at all. she tries to make him tell her what's going on, and he freaks out. (see quote below.) he backtracks, although he will not tell her what's going on. he leaves and promises he will have her follow the next day.

as for act 2, scene 1... WHAT?!?! i barely comprehended that scene at ALL. if i didn't have those footnotes, i would've been COMPLETELY lost. do people ever cut this scene? i wonder. in my last post i talked about how every scene felt so necessary and chock full of action and understandable, and BAM! very next scene is like WHA?!?

as for scene 2, i find it so interesting how the play changes when Falstaff is around. is it just me? the pace quickens, the flow changes, the play takes a little loop-de-loop. is anyone with me on this one? he gives the play character like none other. so interesting.

and on to scene 3 and Hotspur... he needs. to SHUT. UP. Hotspur is the perfect name for him. he disregards any opinion that challenges his own. he has zero patience. ignoring that letter will be his downfall. watch. as will talking too much and not listening enough. as will not listening to his wife. he like freaks out on her! i think Hotspur has a serious emotional imbalance. he should seek psychiatric help immediately. oh wait...

quote of the day:
away, you trifler! love? i love thee not;
i care not for thee, Kate. this is no world
to play with mammets and to tilt with lips.
we must have bloody noses and cracked crowns,
and pass them current too. gods me, my horse!
what sayst thou, Kate? what wouldst thou have with me?'
   -Hotspur; act 2, scene 3

for tomorrow: act 2, scene 4

-rebecca may