Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Lover's Complaint Lines 225-END


well. kids. it's that time again. time for another all-nighter! oh yes. why, you ask? well, because little miss rebecca has been so caught up in Vinegar Tom and Writes of Spring that she hasn't planned ahead for school! yay. so tomorrow, dumb dumb rebecca has two tests that she didn't start studying for until yesterday. Rebecca has to read the book Audition by Michael Shurtleff (which admittedly is very good, but only half-finished) and study architecture, costumes, and decor from 1700-1850. nice. oh yeah, and she has rehearsal from 5-9. cool. BRING IT ON. so it's an early Shakespeare day. hooray!

the good news is that Shakespeare is amazing. i struggled a lot less with this last section, and really enjoyed what i was reading. i feel like Shakespeare is saying a lot with this poem. a lot. let's see what you think about this:
(still from the young man's point of view.) he aske sher to give him her perfect hand and begs to be hers. he tells of a beautiful young girl who could have had anyone she wanted, but chose to be a nun instead. he says that there's no valor in turning away from that which you have not experienced. there's only valor if you know what you're missing. and i think he's saying that she ended up leaving the convent for him? he tells her that many have given everything to him, and he in turn wants to give it all to her. love knows no bounds, so she should let go and just be with him. love knows no rules or caution. when you are in love, can you think of what is sensible? no! all of these women's hearts depend on his. they want him to be happy, and she is what will make him happy, so she must be with him. he lowered his eyes from her and cried.
(switch to her POV) 'what a hell of witchcraft lies.' even a rock will eventually give way to water over the years, and so the maiden gave way to his tears.  she let her guard down and let's him have her. (see the AMAZING quote below.) he would blush, weep, or look pale; whatever gets his way with women. no heart can escape his game. he pretends to be what he is not. he tricks women until they give up their hearts.
she is furious, and yet she says:
'ay me! i fell, and yet do question make
what i should do again for such a sake.'
she lists off the ways in which he made her believe he loved her and concludes with:
'would yet again betray the fore-betrayed,
and new pervert a reconciled maid!'

i just had to give some direct quotes there because they were too too perfect. i love how Shakespeare shows the infinite ways in which this young man twists truths and lies to say just what the girl needs to hear to give it up to him. i feel like this poem is still so relevant today. i mean, that happens now, right? and then it breaks my heart at the end that even though he's put her through the ringer, she still wants him. she would give anything to be in ignorance of the truth again. what i interpret from that last line is he has her so twisted around his finger that she might do it again. i mean, hello, does this not happen to girls all the time? it's called abusive relationships. and mind games. crazy!

i LOVE this poem. i think it would be great in the classroom. it would be a difficult project, but there would be so much to talk about once they were getting it. check it out!

quote fo the day (brace yourself, this is beautiful):
'for, lol, his passion, but an art of craft,
even there resolved my reason into tears;
there my white stole of chastity i daffed,
shook off my sober guards and civil fears;
appear to him as he to me appears,
all melting; though our drops this difference bore:
he poisoned me, and mine did him restore.'
     -lines 295-301
heartbreaking, right?

for tomorrow: background info on The Tragedy of King Richard the Third

-rebecca may

1 comment:

  1. Carpe Diem, "Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May" and (my personal favorite) "To His Coy Mistress"

    Of course, it does not only happen to girls and women, and, sometimes, we are the ones playing the game.
