Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Love's Labor's Lost Act 5, Scene 1


just when things were starting to look good, this scene involves the teacher and the cleric. yay. my favorites. (she said sarcastically) but this time i think i understood them a little better and was able to enjoy this scene more than their last. check it out:

act 5, scene 1
Holofernes and Nathaniel enter the park, complaining about Armado. Dull is with them, but says nothing. Holofernes and Nathaniel think that Armado is ridiculous and annoying. they make fun of his misuse and mispronunciation (as they see it anyway) of words and talk in random languages. Armado enters with Mote and Costard. Mote and Costard slyly poke fun at Nathaniel and Holofernes. (see quote below.) Armado tries to talk to N and H, but they just act rudely and try to confuse him. finally Armado tells them that the King wants to greet the Princess with some entertainment. he asks Nathaniel and Holofernes to help. they jump on board, and Holofernes suggests the Nine Worthies. they split up parts, or try to, with Holofernes claiming 3 for himself. they continue to plan as they exit, noticing for the first time that Dull hasn't spoken this whole time.

so it's not that i like Nathaniel and Holofernes, it's that i think i understand them a little better. here's what i think: they are these two really stuck-up guys who think they're really super awesome. they are kind of mean and rude. they love to show off by speaking in other languages and pretending that they know a lot. it's interesting because to me it seems like Armado is the same way, but he's not mean. because of that, Armado is likable to me. and Nathaniel and Holofernes make fun of Armado to make themselves look cool, but really they make themselves look like jerks. Armado look like the victim. i don't know if that was the intention, but that's how it's coming across to me. what do you think?

help from the footnotes: the Nine Worthies would have been totally familiar to Shakespeare's audience from 'poems, pageants, and tapestries'. they included such figures as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, David, Arthur, and Charlemagne. apparently using Hercules and Pompey was unusual. did he use them to show how foolish these guys really are? i'm not sure. what do you think?

quote of the day:
Mote: They have been at a great feast of languages and stolen the scraps.
Costard: O, they have lived long on the alms basket of words. I marvel they master hath not eaten thee for a word, for thou art not so long by the head as honorificabilitudinitatibus. Thou art easier swallowed than a flapdragon.


for tomorrow: act 5, scene 2 AKA the longest scene of all time lines 1-175

-rebecca may

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