Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Two Gentlemen of Verona Act 3, Scene 1 Lines 170-375


two more finals down today. yay! i'm getting so close. it's at once exhilarating and completely freaking me out. all i have left is a project and a paper, and i am done with coursework at UCF forever and ever amen. what?!?!? when i turn in that paper on friday, i won't know what to do with myself. watch a movie? play a video game? read a book? any of the things i long to do on a daily basis but can't do because i have too much to do? SWEET.

and speaking of sweet, let's get to this play. because it is way awesome!

act 3, scene 1, part 2
Valentine is bemoaning his fate when Proteus and Lance enter. Proteus plays like he thinks he's breaking the news of Valentine's banishment to Valentine, but of course they both already know. Valentine asks after Sylvia, and Proteus reveals that she's been crying and begging for Valentine's pardon. she has been bothering her father so much that he sent her to prison and threatened to keep her there. Proteus tells Valentine not to freak out, but to get the heck out of there. Proteus says he will deliver letters between Sylvia and Valentine, and all will work out. Valentine asks Lance to send Speed after him when he sees him, and Proteus escorts him to the gate. alone, Lance admits to us that he is secretly in "love" with a milkmaid. Speed enters, and the two spend a considerable amount of time going over the maid's virtues and vices, to hilarious end. (see quote below.) finally, Lance reveals that Valentine has been waiting for Speed all this time. as Speed speeds off, Lance reveals that he detained him on purpose so Speed would get in trouble.

here's my favorite part about this scene: in the 17 lines of Valentine's monologue the Duke arrived home, talked to Sylvia, she cried and begged, he sent her away, and Proteus made it back to tell Valentine. riiight. i guess unity of time is completely out the window now.

and usually i hate these kind of random tangents like the milkmaid thing, but this side scene is so darn funny i can't even mind it being there. and you can totally follow it without ripping your hair out, unlike most of the tangent scenes i've read so far.

i am definitely seeing the theme of fickle friendship now. i mean, first Proteus and now Lance? why are they all so awful to each other? i'm interested to see how it ends up. with remorse? will they all become friends again? what's the deal. what's Shakespeare trying to say here?

quote of the day:
Speed: "item: she is slow in words."
Lance: o villain, that set this down among her vices! to be slow in words is a woman's only virtue. i pray thee, out with't, and place it for her chief virtue.
Speed: "item: she is proud."
Lance: out with that too. it was Eve's legacy, and cannot be ta'en from her.

for tomorrow: act 3, scene 2

-rebecca may

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